




中日文化センター講師 日本福祉大学講師
中村 一子

The Phantom Phone Call

今月は「文の種類」を取り上げます。文をその構造で分類します。Garyのパッセージ「The Phantom Phone Call」を楽しみながら、文の種類を確認しましょう。
   (例)The book on the desk is mine.
    the book on the desk が主部で、その中心となる語bookが主語です。
   (例)The book on the desk is mine.
     is mine が述部で、その中心になるisが述語動詞です。

単文「主部+述部」が1組だけで構成される文The actress on the stage won Academy Award this year.
主部:The actress on the stage
述部:won Academy Award this year.
重文「主部+述部」が複数組、等位接続詞and, but, or, so, for, nor など)で結ばれる文My sister likes cooking and her husband loves eating.
 主部①:my sister
 述部①:likes cooking
 主部②:her husband
 述部②:loves eating
複文「主部+述部」が複数組、従位接続詞that, when, while, because, as , though, if, unless, before, after, till, until, since.....など ) で結ばれる文The woman with black hair called her mother when she arrived at the airport.
 主部①:the woman with black hair
 述部①:called her mother
 述部②:arrived at the airport
I know that he is kind.
 述部②:is kind

 それでは、Garyのパッセージ「The Phantom Phone Call」を読みましょう。どんな文が用いられているでしょうか。単文の代表一文を赤で、重文の代表一文を青で、そして複文の代表一文を緑で示してあります。

The Phantom Phone Call 

A watched pot never boils. This is an old English saying. In our modern times the same might be said about cell phones that don't ring. But what about phones that we think are ringing or vibrating but aren't? My having experienced this on an almost daily basis has made me think I'm going crazy. Believing this is not a sign you are going crazy. It really means that your brain is healthy. In one study done in England it was found that 80% of people reported feeling false cell phones vibrations. So what is happening? Is this some strange new mental illness? No. Scientists say feeling something like this is a normal part of brain functioning. Our brains are systems designed to read the signals coming from our bodies. The brain tries to read all the signals and match them with the required action, to check your phone or not. In this case, your phone is either vibrating or not and your brain has to judge which and take action. Sometimes this is more difficult if there are a lot of signals. For example, it is easy to respond when a person calls your name, right? If you are in a noisy room it is more difficult. With cell phones mistakes happen more often because there are a lot of signals coming from your body. What should you do? Scientist say you need to make it easier for your brain to decide. Set your phone to a stronger vibration setting. So don't worry. You aren't going crazy and your phone isn't broken. (263 words)

いかがでしたか? 複文が圧倒的に多いですね。
では、また来月お会いしましょう! 来月は「仮定法」を取り上げます。
