




中日文化センター講師 日本福祉大学講師
中村 一子


 今年は本当に寒い冬になりました。大雪に悩まされる地方も多いようです。そんな寒さの厳しい日は、家でインターネットサーフィンを楽しんだりYouTubeで映画を見たりするのも良いかもしれませんね。今月はGary のSick Daysです。Garyが子供のころ、小さなウソをついて学校を休みテレビを見て楽しんだ思い出を書いています。これを読みながら「接続詞」を学習します。
and、but 、or 、so、 forなどがあります。
that、if、as、because、when、while、though、before、after、till、until、 since、 unlessなどがあります。

語と語 (andを例にとります。)
cats and dogs (名詞と名詞)
eating and drinking (動名詞と動名詞)
rich and healthy (形容詞と形容詞)
sing and dance (動詞と動詞)
3つ以上の物をand やorが結ぶ時、次のように用います。
AとBとCとD ⇒ A, B, C, and D
句と句 playing tennis and watching TV.
to cook Japanese food and to eat French food.
節と節 Kate entered university and Laura got a job.
Kate entered universityand Laura got a jobもそれぞれ片方だけで完全な意味を持つ対等な関係です。

that, as, if, when, till, because, till, before, after, until, unless, while, since, thoughなど
節と節 We ran to the station because it started to rain.
「because it started to rain」は「雨が降りだしたので」の意味で「We run to the station」がなければ完全な意味をなしません。becauseは縦属接続詞です。

I know that he is kind.
「that he is kind」は「彼はやさしいということ」の意味で「I know」がなければ完全な意味をなしません。つまり、thatは対等でない節を結ぶ従属接続詞です。

He was on the baseball team when he was in high school.
「when he was in high school」は「彼が高校生の時」の意味で「He was on the baseball team」がなければ完全な意味をなしません。whenは縦属接続詞です。


  When I was a student, I enjoyed my school life.
  I enjoyed my school life when I was a student.

「when」と「 I was a student」が結びついていれば、その節が文の前半にあっても後半にあっても良いのです。 よくみられる間違いは、「I was a student when I enjoyed my school life.」つまり「学生の時、学校生活を楽しんだ」という日本語と同じ順で接続詞を使ってしまう間違いです。


では、GaryのパッセージSick Days を読んで下さい。接続詞にはアンダーラインを引きました。(関係詞も接続詞の働きを持つのでアンダーラインを引きました。何と何が結ばれているのか考えながら読みましょう。

Sick Days

When I was a student I enjoyed my school life. I looked forward to seeing my friends, eating lunch and playing during the breaks. I even enjoyed some of my classes. But there were times when I wanted to take a break from school. I would catch 24-hour flu. Both my father and mother worked and couldn't take a day off. As the oldest child, I had to be responsible. So my parents would leave me at home alone if my illness wasn't serious. I had to pretend to be sick but not too sick. I would complain about having a headache and cough. I would warm up the thermometer a little on a light bulb. I would blow my nose a lot too. In Canada we don't go to the Doctors for a cold. We get cold medicine from the drugstore. If my parents thought I was sick but not too sick, I could stay home. My mother would call me at lunchtime to check but otherwise I was free to enjoy my sick day off from school. I watched lots of daytime television. I enjoyed reading and eating peanut butter and crackers. These rare holidays helped me recharge and rest up for school. Even now I wish I could do this but work is much more difficult to take a day off from. (225 words)

 (1) I often use taxies when it is rainy.
 (2) Do you know that Sue is getting married?
 (3) It was getting dark, so they got started.
