やさしい英文法講座、もう11回目になりました。文の構造や品詞の働きなど大切な基本が身につき、正しい英文が作れるようになってきましたか。今月は英文の構造の原則からはずれる用法「倒置」を学びます。猫が大好きなGaryのパッセージ「Cats and Humans」を読みながら、倒置の用法を確認します。
強調する語句 (文頭に置く語句) |
語順 | 例 |
(1)否定を表わす副詞(句) never, seldom, hardly, only, at no time など |
否定語+疑問文の語順 | ☆Never does he tell a lie. (決して彼は嘘をつかない。) 強調の無いもとの文は He never tells a lie. ⇒neverを文頭に置き、その後は疑問文の語順でdoes he tell...となる ☆Little did I dream he would come. (彼が来るなんて夢にも思わなかった。) |
(2)否定を含む目的語 no, not, littleなどがついた目的語 |
否定を含む目的語 +疑問文の語順 |
☆Not a single word could I say. 強調の無いもとの文は I could not say a word. ⇒not a wordを文頭に置き、その後 疑問文の語順でcould I sayとなる |
※否定を含まない目的語は文頭に出ても倒置は起こらない | Such a story I don't believe. | |
(3)補語 | 補語+V+S | ☆Lucky were the people who escaped death. (死を免れた人々は幸運でした。) 強調の無いもとの文は The people who escaped death were lucky.. ⇒補語のluckyを文頭に置き、その後はV+S語順でwere the people who....となる |
(4)方向や場所を表わす 副詞(句) here, there, down, up, into~, to~など |
副詞(句)+V+S | ☆Here comes the bus. (ほら、バスが来たよ。) 強調の無いもとの文は The bus comes here. ⇒hereを文頭に置き、その後V+Sの語順でcomes the busとなる |
※主語が代名詞の時は倒置は起こらない | 主語がbusでなく代名詞heの時は倒置が起こらないので、hereの後S+VでHere he comes. となる |
それでは、Garyのパッセージ、Cats and Humans: Real Best Friendsを読みながら倒置をチェックしましょう。
Cats and Humans: Real Best Friends
Some people say dogs are a man's best friend. Really? I am man and a cat person. Sure, some people say cats aren't as friendly as dogs. That may be true but cats have charm. Cats can be a little unfriendly at times but that is natural. Independent are the cats. They like their freedom. But when they are cold they are happy to share your bed. Did you know the modern cat has a long history? If we look at the DNA of cats we find that modern cats come from five different kinds of wild cats. The five kinds of cats came from the Mediterranean, Europe, Central Asia, Africa and China. Looking closer at modern cats DNA scientists say that there were five original cats from the Middle East from which all modern cats came. Did you know that humans and cats have had a long relationship? Cats and humans started their relationship around the time people started to farm. Why is that? Well when you grow and keep grains and vegetables one problem is mice. Everyone knows that cats are good at catching mice. Never have I seen a dog catching a mouse. So you can keep your dogs but I will stick with cats and live a mouse free life.
Independent are the cats.
Never have I seen a dog catching a mouse.