前の文と後の文の関係 | 接続副詞 | 例文 |
前の文が「原因」で後に続く文が「結果」 | therefore / thus / hence / accordingly / consequently (それゆえ、したがって、その結果) |
She sells the most; consequently, she's got the prize. (彼女の売上が最も多い、その結果、彼女が賞をもらった。)The two car companies are competing for the prize; therefore, they are trying to produce cost-effective cars.二つの自動車会社は、その賞をめぐって競争している、したがって、費用対効果の高い車を生産しようとしている。) |
前の文に対する「反論」や「否定」する内容の文が後に続く | nevertheless /however / still (それにもかかわらず、しかしながら、それでも) |
He has been studying Spanish for ten years. However, he's never been to Spain. (彼は10年間、ずっとスペイン語を勉強している。しかし、スペインに行ったことがない。) |
前の文の「説明」や「言い換え」、「例」などが後に続く | that is / for example (即ち、例えば) |
The average number of people per Japanese household is 2.6; that is, the family size has been shrinking. (日本の1世帯当たりの平均人数は今2.6である。即ち、家族構成はどんどん人数が減ってきている。) |
前の文に「付加」や「追加」する内容が後に続く | also / in addition / moreover / besides / furthermore / then (その上、さらに、また) |
This discovery will bring in profit; moreover, it can cut down the time loss. (この発見は利益をもたらす。さらに、時間の無駄を減らすこともできる。) |
☆接続詞を用いずに2文を結ぶわけですから、文と文の間に通常セミコロン(;)を置きます。つまり、 文 ;接続副詞, 文 . となります。
①I take exercise regularly; ( ), I stay fit.
I take exercise regularly; ( ), I've gained weight.
I take exercise regularly; ( ), I jog every morning.
②He sleeps for 8 hours every night; ( ), he takes a nap after lunch.
③The coat is a little bit small; ( ), the style has gone out.
④Everyone knew the truth; ( ), nobody told that.
① | I take exercise regularly; ( therefore ), I stay fit. I take exercise regularly; ( still ), I've gained weight. I take exercise regularly; ( in addition ), I jog every morning. |
② | He sleeps only8 hours every night; ( however ), he takes a nap after lunch. |
③ | The coat is a little bit small; ( also ), the style has gone out. |
④ | Everyone knew the truth; ( nevertheless / still ), nobody told that. |